Finding My Passion Through Social Media
I talked a little bit about why the subject of fitness
is of any interest to me in my very first blog post (#tbt,
but that was barely scratching the surface. So now, I’d like to share a little
bit more of my story of working towards my fitness goals simply because I
attribute any and all success I have found to social media and digital apps.
Without both of those things, my inspiration would have inevitably waned ages
ago as it had time and time again before I found a consistent schedule that
worked for me.
Thank goodness for Instagram. That’s where I found
Kayla Itsines as I mentioned in my very first post. Once I stumbled upon her
guides, I was sucked into this community of people and the way that they
transformed themselves both physically and emotionally in terms of their
confidence and self-love. Well who doesn’t want to feel that way, right?? So I
tried her eBook guide, too. Well what do you know, half a year later, I was no
closer to my goals. I have given up and started this process over at least 3
times, and it was just not working for me. I didn’t find it enjoyable at all, so
onto the next thing.
My friend told me that when she didn’t feel like going
to the gym, she just went to YouTube and looked up a Blogilates workout. Cassey
Ho, the creator of Blogilates, has done an equally incredible job of using this
online platform to build up a community and earn a living for herself. Well, Blogilates
is great and incredibly challenging, but as someone who was an athlete my
entire life, I feel like if I don’t sweat, I’m not working hard enough. After
more trial and error, I realized that I wasn’t going to be consistent with that
Well at this point, I recognized that I could pretty
much get all of the fitness motivation and information I wanted through the
internet and social media. Combine that knowledge with the determination I had
to actually stick to something by the beginning of my junior year of college,
and I knew that this time around would be different.
I started by searching fitness-related hashtags on
Instagram: #abs #workoutmotivation #HIIT. You can only imagine the slew of
posts I was inundated with. That’s how I discovered my favorite influencers.
The more I researched the quicker I determined that the people I found most
motivating, who shared the best content, were all avid weightlifters. That was
kind of scary because going near the free weights in a gym is always
intimidating, and I’m a girl so won’t that make me look “manly.” No. On the
contrary, weightlifting helped to make these women strong and confident and
happy, and I wanted in on that. I followed countless Instagram influencers and
discovered their associated YouTube channels, and suddenly I had enough free
workouts to never repeat the same thing twice if I didn’t want to.
Armed with the new workouts I had found and the
resolve to get to the gym every day after class and just treat it like another
part of my schedule, I tried for consistency again. Turns out, once I got past
the initial intimidation, I discovered that I actually really like weightlifting.
It makes me feel good, and it doesn’t suck as much as hopping on a treadmill
for 30 minutes or more.
Flash forward about 18 months later, and I am proud to
say that I am still on top of it. There are obviously periods where my
motivation wanes, but it’s then that I turn right back to Instagram to try to
find it again. I’ve grown to enjoy fitness so much that it has become one of my
“things” that my friends associate me with. I chose to center this entire blog
around it, and I made fitness my personal brand for another class project. It’s
so crazy to me that I discovered this passion of mine simply by searching
through digital channels, but it’s true! Social Media is a powerful tool and I
have come to know that first-hand.
I’m sorry, I know it was a lengthy post, but if you
stuck it out, I appreciate you! That’s the long story about how this blog came
to be, and how I got to where I am in my journey. I don’t plan on letting up
anytime soon, and I think of this as just another way to hold myself
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